sábado, janeiro 20, 2007

Pequenos Tesouros...

*foto daqui

Meia-noite e meia de uma sexta à noite, fechada em casa a trabalhar. Na minha demanda por um texto decente para a preparação de um teste que farei no domingo (eu não tenho fins de semana!), encontrei este tesouro, que complementa um outro poema fabuloso de Carol Ann Duffy, intitulado "War Photographer". Partilho convosco:


Give us good pictures
of the human torch
which show the skin
burnt like chicken,
bursting like grapes.

It will teach us
to avoid flames.

Give us good film
of the lady on the ledge
as she leaps open mouthed
and hits the streets
like a suicide.

It will teach us
to use stairways.

Give us sharp colour
coverage of the African
Show us
interesting wounds,
craters in fat and flesh.

It will teach us
not to point guns.

Give us five page spreads
of the airliner that fell
like a pigeon to the ground.
And make sure you get there
before the victims are pulled out.

It will teach
engines to function.

Don't give us
any of that shaky
hand-held stuff
where the trapped children
are smoke-like shapes
and their screams barely audible
beneath the wailing sirens.
Get in there with your lenses
and your appetite for danger
and your hard newshead
and give us what we're after.
Make us informed.
Make us feel we're really there.
Provide us with education.
Broaden our backgrounds.
We live in a democracy and we need to know.

P.S.: 1 da manhã e não encontro a porra de um texto!!!